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Bertolt Brecht Majka Hrabrost Pdf 79

Bertolt Brecht Majka Hrabrost Pdf 79

Bertolt Brecht was a German playwright, poet, and theatre director who is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the 20th century theatre. He is best known for his epic theatre, which aimed to expose the social and political contradictions of his time through a critical and dialectical approach. One of his most famous works is Majka Hrabrost i njezina djeca (Mother Courage and Her Children), a play that depicts the tragic fate of a mother and her children during the Thirty Years' War.

Majka Hrabrost i njezina djeca was written in 1939, shortly after Brecht's exile from Nazi Germany. The play is based on the historical figure of Anna Fierling, a canteen woman who followed the Swedish army during the war. Brecht renamed her Mother Courage, a name that reflects both her bravery and her folly. The play shows how Mother Courage tries to make a profit from the war by selling goods to the soldiers, but also how she loses her three children to the war: Eilif, who is executed for killing peasants; Swiss Cheese, who is shot for deserting; and Kattrin, who is killed for warning a town of an impending attack.

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The play is a powerful critique of war and capitalism, as well as a challenge to the audience's moral and emotional involvement. Brecht used various techniques to create a distance between the audience and the characters, such as songs, placards, direct address, and historical narration. He wanted the audience to think critically about the issues raised by the play, rather than to empathize with the characters or to enjoy the spectacle. He also wanted to show that Mother Courage's actions are not heroic or admirable, but rather self-destructive and futile.

Majka Hrabrost i njezina djeca has been translated into many languages and performed in various countries. It is considered one of the greatest plays of the 20th century and one of the most significant anti-war plays ever written. The play has also inspired many adaptations and interpretations, such as films, operas, musicals, and novels.

If you are interested in reading Majka Hrabrost i njezina djeca by Bertolt Brecht, you can find a PDF version of the play online. Here are some links where you can download or view the PDF file:

  • [Majka Hrabrost - Bertolt Brecht - DOKUMEN.TIPS]

  • [Bertold Breht - Majka hrabrost i njena deca.pdf -]

I hope you enjoy reading this masterpiece by Bertolt Brecht!

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