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The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Kurdish Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan, is a Kurdish militant political organization and armed guerrilla movement that has been fighting for Kurdish rights and autonomy in Turkey and neighboring countries since 1984.
The PKK is a complex and controversial topic, as it has been involved in various conflicts, alliances, and negotiations with different actors in the region and beyond. It has also faced many challenges, such as repression, internal divisions, changing ideologies, and international sanctions.
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In this article, I will provide you with an overview of the PKK, its history, its activities, its benefits, its challenges, and its resources. I will also give you some tips on how to learn more about this topic and how to evaluate the sources of information you encounter.
History of the PKK
The history of the PKK can be traced back to the late 1970s, when a group of Kurdish activists led by Abdullah Ocalan founded a Marxist-Leninist organization dedicated to the creation of an independent Kurdistan. The group adopted the name Kurdistan Workers' Party in 1978 and launched an armed insurgency against the Turkish state in 1984 from bases in Iraq. The PKK sought to establish a socialist Kurdish state in parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria where Kurds constituted a majority or a significant minority.
The history of the PKK can be divided into several phases according to its level of violence, its political objectives, its relations with other actors, and its internal dynamics. The following table summarizes some of these phases:
First phase
The most violent phase of the conflict, marked by large-scale attacks on Turkish military targets, civilian casualties, mass displacement of Kurds, state repression, human rights violations, and international isolation of the PKK.
Second phase
A phase of fluctuating violence and dialogue attempts between Turkey and the PKK. The PKK declared several unilateral ceasefires and moderated its demands for independence to autonomy. Turkey launched major military operations against the PKK in northern Iraq. Ocalan was captured by Turkish forces in Kenya in 1999.
Third phase
A phase of relative calm and political transformation of the PKK. Ocalan was sentenced to death by a Turkish court, but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment after Turkey abolished the death penalty. Ocalan called for a peaceful resolution of the Kurdish question and urged his followers to lay down their arms and pursue their rights through legal and democratic means. The PKK changed its name to the Kurdistan People's Congress (KONGRA-GEL) and declared a permanent ceasefire in 1999.
Fourth phase
A phase of renewed violence and political mobilization of the Kurds. The PKK ended its ceasefire in 2004 and resumed its attacks on Turkish security forces, citing the lack of progress in the Kurdish issue and the continued oppression of the Kurds. Turkey responded with intensified military operations and arrests of Kurdish politicians, activists, and journalists. The PKK also expanded its presence and influence in northern Iraq, Syria, and Iran, where it formed alliances with other Kurdish groups.
Fifth phase
A phase of hopeful negotiations and fragile peace process between Turkey and the PKK. The Turkish government initiated a dialogue with Ocalan and other PKK representatives in 2012, aiming to end the conflict and address the Kurdish demands for more rights and autonomy. The PKK declared another ceasefire in 2013 and agreed to withdraw some of its fighters from Turkey. Several confidence-building measures were taken, such as the release of Kurdish prisoners, the legalization of Kurdish education and media, and the recognition of the Kurdish identity.
Sixth phase
A phase of escalating violence and polarization between Turkey and the PKK. The peace process collapsed in 2015 after a series of deadly attacks by both sides, amid mutual accusations of violating the ceasefire and sabotaging the negotiations. Turkey launched a massive crackdown on the PKK and its affiliates, both inside and outside Turkey, killing thousands of militants, civilians, and security personnel. The PKK intensified its attacks on urban areas, using improvised explosive devices, suicide bombers, and snipers. The PKK also gained more visibility and legitimacy in Syria, where it played a key role in fighting against the Islamic State (IS) group with the support of the US-led coalition.
Activities of the PKK
The activities of the PKK can be categorized into three main types: military, political, and social. Each type has different objectives, methods, targets, and outcomes.
Military activities
The military activities of the PKK are aimed at challenging the Turkish state's authority and control over the Kurdish regions, defending the Kurdish population from state violence and discrimination, and creating a deterrent force against potential external threats. The PKK uses various tactics and weapons to carry out its military operations, such as guerrilla warfare, sabotage, ambushes, raids, assassinations, kidnappings, rocket attacks, bombings, suicide attacks, cyberattacks, etc. The PKK targets mainly Turkish security forces (army, police, gendarmerie), but also government officials, politicians, judges, journalists, businessmen, informants, collaborators, etc. The PKK also clashes with rival Kurdish groups or militias that oppose its agenda or cooperate with Turkey or other regional powers.
Political activities
The political activities of the PKK are aimed at advancing the Kurdish cause and interests in Turkey and beyond, mobilizing the Kurdish masses for self-determination and democracy, influencing public opinion and policy-making on the Kurdish issue, and building alliances with other actors that share its vision or goals. The PKK uses various platforms and channels to conduct its political activities, such as political parties (e.g., HDP), civil society organizations (e.g., DTK), media outlets (e.g., ANF), diplomatic missions (e.g., KNK), international forums (e.g., UN), etc. The PKK also engages in dialogue or negotiations with state actors (e.g., Turkey), non-state actors (e.g., KRG), or third parties (e.g., US) to seek a peaceful resolution of the conflict or to address specific issues or demands.
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Social activities
The social activities of the PKK are aimed at strengthening the Kurdish identity and culture among the Kurdish people, providing social services and welfare to the Kurdish communities in need or under threat, promoting social justice and equality among different segments of society (e.g., women, youth), and fostering a sense of solidarity and resistance among the Kurds against oppression and assimilation. The PKK uses various means and methods to carry out its social activities , such as education and training programs (e.g., PKK academies), health and humanitarian aid (e.g., PKK clinics), cultural and artistic events (e.g., PKK festivals), social and environmental campaigns (e.g., PKK tree planting), etc. The PKK also recruits and trains new members and supporters for its ranks, especially among the young and the marginalized.
Benefits of the PKK
The benefits of the PKK are the positive impacts and achievements that the PKK has brought to the Kurdish people and the region. Some of these benefits are:
Recognition and representation of the Kurds
The PKK has been instrumental in raising the awareness and visibility of the Kurdish issue in Turkey and internationally. The PKK has challenged the denial and suppression of the Kurdish identity, language, and culture by the Turkish state and society, and has demanded more rights and freedoms for the Kurds. The PKK has