Padmasree Bharat Dr. Saroj Kumar: A Sequel to Udayananu Tharam with a Twist
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Padmasree Bharath Dr Saroj Kumar 2012 Malayalam Full Movie 39
Vivek Vijay is probably his best thing in the film. A repeat of OKK, he is a complete 180 from even the OKK guy, as he is not jovial, crass, aloof and self satisfied in this movie and is has the most fun (as I mentioned earlier, is possibly the only character who comes to any decision in the movie without a thought of his own career, and this works). Kishore is of course, the same old Kishore but yet again, we dont know if this is the Kishore in the movie or just the Kishore who he is because it doesnt matter. The only character who comes off as aloof is Prakash Raj, who plays a villain who is no more than a caricature of the usual Tamil villain. His character does not have any of the layers you would expect from a villain of such stature in Tamil cinema. Pooja Kumar takes the most surprising role and is quite good as the local Tamil celebrity. Her character allows the movie to move from the Mumbai setting to and fro shooting in Chennai and Ahmedabad. Her jovial self shines in the song sequences, especially the ones which are shot in the local language. The songs too are all about her and she deserves every bit of screen time she gets. But the other special song sequences are two side by side chelas. Nithya Menen, Arr Bippy and Kishore are played by excellent choreographers which adds to the fun quotient of the sequence.