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NCS Dummy: The Ultimate Guide to NCS Expert - Learn how to use NCS Dummy 0.6 10 to modify your BMW settings with ease


If you own a BMW car, you may have heard of NCS Expert, a software application that allows you to directly communicate with any module on the BMW's CAN network and read or write configuration codes. These codes control various features and functions of your car, such as lighting, comfort, convenience, security, etc. By changing these codes, you can customize your car to your preferences or enable hidden options.

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However, working with NCS Expert can be challenging and risky, especially if you are not familiar with the technical details of the modules and the codes. The trace files that contain the configuration codes are usually edited manually using a plain text editor, which can be prone to errors and mistakes. Moreover, the trace files are often cryptic and hard to understand, as they use abbreviations, acronyms, and hexadecimal values.

This is where NCS Dummy 0.6 10 comes in handy. NCS Dummy is a software tool that makes working with NCS Expert easier and safer. It parses trace files created by NCS Expert and retrieves all possible parameters, control unit data and order options for each function. The parsed trace files can be viewed and modified in a graphical trace editor or exported to text files. NCS Dummy can also be used to compare two trace files and show the differences, or to disassemble and assemble NCS Expert data files to achieve functionality that is not possible with a stock NCS Expert installation.

In this article, we will explain the main features of NCS Dummy 0.6 10, how to install it on your computer, how to use it to parse, edit, compare, export, or import trace files, and what are the benefits of using it over manual editing or other alternatives.


NCS Dummy 0.6 10 has several features that make it a powerful and useful tool for working with NCS Expert. Here are some of the most important ones:

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Trace file parsing

NCS Dummy can parse any trace file created by NCS Expert and display all the parameters, control unit data and order options for each function in a graphical trace editor. The parameters are grouped by categories and subcategories, and each parameter has a description, a value, and a status. The status indicates whether the parameter is active, inactive, unknown, or invalid. The control unit data shows the module name, part number, hardware number, coding index, diagnostic index, and bus index. The order options show the vehicle order, the basic order, and the special order.

The graphical trace editor allows you to easily view and modify the parameters of the trace file. You can change the value of a parameter by selecting it from a drop-down list or typing it manually. You can also activate or deactivate a parameter by checking or unchecking a box. You can search for a parameter by name or description using the search function. You can also filter the parameters by category, subcategory, or status using the filter function.

Graphical trace editor

The graphical trace editor also allows you to view and modify the hexadecimal values of the trace file. You can switch between the parameter view and the hexadecimal view by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the editor. The hexadecimal view shows the raw data of the trace file in hexadecimal format. Each byte is represented by two hexadecimal digits, and each line contains 16 bytes. The hexadecimal values are color-coded according to their status: green for active, red for inactive, yellow for unknown, and gray for invalid.

You can edit the hexadecimal values of the trace file by clicking on them and typing new values. You can also copy and paste hexadecimal values from one location to another using the copy and paste functions. You can search for a hexadecimal value using the search function. You can also compare two trace files in hexadecimal view using the compare function.

Trace file comparison

NCS Dummy can compare two trace files and show the differences between them in a graphical trace editor. You can select two trace files to compare by clicking on the compare button and browsing to their locations. The comparison results will be displayed in a new window with two tabs: one for the parameter view and one for the hexadecimal view.

In the parameter view, you can see the parameters that are different between the two trace files. The parameters are grouped by categories and subcategories, and each parameter has a description, a value, and a status. The value and status of each parameter are shown for both trace files, with different colors indicating whether they are equal or different. You can also see the control unit data and order options for both trace files.

In the hexadecimal view, you can see the hexadecimal values that are different between the two trace files. The hexadecimal values are color-coded according to their status: green for equal, red for different, yellow for unknown, and gray for invalid. You can also see the offset and length of each difference.

Trace file export

NCS Dummy can export a parsed trace file to a text file that contains all the parameters, control unit data and order options in a human-readable format. You can select a trace file to export by clicking on the export button and browsing to its location. The export results will be saved in a text file with the same name as the trace file but with a .txt extension.

The text file will have a header that shows the module name, part number, hardware number, coding index, diagnostic index, bus index, vehicle order, basic order, and special order. The text file will also have a body that shows all the parameters grouped by categories and subcategories. Each parameter will have a description, a value, and a status.

Trace file import

NCS Dummy can import a text file that contains all the parameters, control unit data and order options in a human-readable format and convert it to a trace file that can be used by NCS Expert. You can select a text file to import by clicking on the import button and browsing to its location. The import results will be saved in a trace file with the same name as the text file but with a .trc extension.

The text file must have a header that shows the module name, part number, hardware number, coding index, diagnostic index, bus index, vehicle order, basic order, and special order. The text file must also have a body that shows all the parameters grouped by categories and subcategories. Each parameter must have a description, a value, and a status. Data file disassembly

NCS Dummy can disassemble an NCS Expert data file and extract all the information contained in it, such as the module name, part number, hardware number, coding index, diagnostic index, bus index, vehicle order, basic order, special order, and all the parameters for each function. You can select a data file to disassemble by clicking on the disassemble button and browsing to its

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